Letters & Correspondence of W.T. Stead
“I felt once more the sacredness of the power placed in my hands, to be used on behalf of the poor, the outcast and the oppressed..” W.T. Stead Journal Entry (July 4, 1875)
Miscellaneous Letters
- Stead to the Editor of the Plymouth Western Morning News (July 4, 1906, on the conduct of its reporters)
- Stead to Dr. Albert Shaw (June 3, 1891, on being hard up for money)
- Stead to Rev. C.F. Aked (January 10, 1891, on “In Darkest England”)
- Stead to W. Shaw Esq. (August 15, 1910, on prize fighting and “fear and dislike of the negro”)
- Henry Yates Thompson (PMG proprietor) to W.T. Stead (Sept. 24, 1888, on cutting Stead’s salary)
- Henry Yates Thompson (PMG proprietor) to W.T. Stead (Sept. 28, 1888, on recovering the PMG’s position)
- W.T. Stead to Grant Richards (January 20, 1894, on the failure of the Daily Paper)
- W.T. Stead to Mr. R. Penny (from the N.E. Daily Gazette)
- W.T. Stead to R. J. Lees (February 2, 1912, on Mrs. Lees’ death)
- W.T. Stead to an Un-named Contributor to the Daily Paper (February 4, 1904)
- Stead to Bramwell Booth (December 13, 1885)
- Stead to Bramwell Booth (November 19, 1885)
- The Attack on the Mormons: Mr. Stead’s Protest (April 28, 1911)
- Stead to Madame Koopmans de Wet (January 12, 1900, on Kitchener and Cape Town)
- Stead to Madame Koopmans de Wet (November 24, 1900, on the British army)
- Stead to The Times Newspaper (October 14, 1901)
- W.T. Stead to 4th Earl Grey (July 10, 1888, on Charles Stewart Parnell)
- W.T. Stead/Ramsay Macdonald Correspondence (1905, on a proposed interview)
- W.T. Stead to John Hyslop Bell (extract) (July, 1871)
- W.T. Stead to his Father (extract) (c. July 5, 1881)
- W.T. Stead to his Father (extract) (1884)
- W.T. Stead to Mrs. John Morley (extract) (October 15, 1880)
- Grant Allen to W.T. Stead (Feb. 26, 1895 on bigotry and Irish Catholicism)
- Grant Allen to W.T. Stead (Feb. 22, 1895 on “our old friendly intercourse”)
- Grant Allen to W.T. Stead (undated on Allen’s book The Woman who Did)
- Grant Allen to W.T. Stead (October 6, 18??, on colonists)
- Grant Allen to W.T. Stead (June 15, 18??, on an Anglo-Saxon confederation)
- Grant Allen to W.T. Stead (November 20, 188?, on Darwin & the Dark Continent)
- Grant Allen to W.T. Stead (undated on prostitution and female slavery)
- Stead to the Rev. Kendall (April 11, 1871, on becoming editor of the N. Echo)
- Stead to Rev. Hugh Price Huges (1886, written in prison)
- Stead to The Star (Jan 2, 1891, on his part in Booth’s Darkest England)
- Stead to Mark Whitwill (Nov. 29, 1885, from Holloway Gaol – on the C.D. Acts)
- Stead to Mary Whitwill (Nov. 22, 1885, from Holloway – on grapes)
- Stead to the Rev. Benjamin Waugh (Nov. 10, 1885, on “going to gaol”)
- Cable from Mark Twain to W.T. Stead (Jan. 9, 1899, on Russian disarmament)
Stead’s Journal
- July 5, 1874 (On being “God-sent”)
- July 4, 1875 (On “prophethood”)
- Dec. 26, 1875 (On his mother’s dying words)
- Jan. 14, 1877 (On the Bulgarian horrors)
- July 8, 1877 (On work & useless servants)
- Jan. 5, 1879 (On his love for Mme Novikoff)
- July 6, 1879 (On political creed)
- Jan. 11, 1880 (On cruelty to Emma)
- July 4, 1880 (On being called to the PMG)
- c. July, 1880 (On the effect of Imprisonment)
- Sept. 25, 1888 (Russia and failure at the PMG)
- Jan. 20, 1889 (On sex & children)
- April 15, 1889 (On Emma’s pregnancy)
Untranscribed Facsimiles
- Stead to Ramsay MacDonald (July 7, 1905 – on the Labour Party) [1]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (November 19, 1874 – on the Newcastle Chronicle)[1][2]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (April 14, 1885 – on Bechuanaland, South Africa) [1][2]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (Sept. 30, 1878 – on Stead’s “Afghan Policy”) [1][2][3][4]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (Oct. 4, 1878 – on Grey’s letter on Afghan Policy) [1][2]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (Oct. 10, 1878 – on Russia and English panic) [1][2]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (Nov. 11, 1873 – on the Ashantee War in Africa) [1][2]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (Oct. 25, 1883 – on Colonial policy) [1][2][3]
- Stead 4th Earl Grey (Oct.31, 1883 – more on Colonial policy) [1][2][3]
- Stead to Horace Seymour (March 25, 1884 – on being “neighbourly”) [1]
- Stead to Horace Seymour (April 28, 1884 – on Egypt) 1[2]
- Stead to Horace Seymour (May 11, 1884 – on Gordon & Khartoum) [1][2][3]
- Stead to William. H. Gladstone (Dec. 4, 1872 – on a campaign in Whitby) [1][2]
- Stead to William. H. Gladstone (Dec. 11, 1872 – more on Whitby) [1]
- Stead to W.E. Gladstone (Jan. 2, 1878 – on the Eastern Question) [1][2]
- Stead to F. G. Bailey (March 31, 1892) [1]